
Updating website

Reasons to keep your website up-to-date

Having a nice website is good. Keeping it up-to-date is better. Maintenance in the digital world is an often forgotten, but essential, task. It is thanks to regular maintenance that your site and, by extension, your business will be able to keep its freshness and face the competition.A website that is slow to load, has broken links,...

Sumobaby Work Experience

My work experience at Sumobaby

Throughout this week (Monday 28th March – Friday 1st April) I have completed a work experience placement at Sumobaby, I have thoroughly enjoyed this placement as it has tested my knowledge in so many ways and opened my mind to the world of website development. Furthermore, this work experience placement has also allowed me to experience...

Tips to prepare for Google’s speed update

Google has announced this January an exciting change when it comes to their mobile search ranking. In essence, the idea is to use page speed as a major factor to determine both the organic ranking and the AdWords Quality Score.The good news is that you have until July 2018 to prepare for the upcoming change.Let's have...

Top 5 features exclusive to the new AdWords interface

Google has recently released their new visually appealing AdWords user interface. The new AdWords experience offers new exclusive features which look quite useful.At this stage, it's worth noting that to get most out of AdWords you may need to switch between the old AdWords and new UI.The new UI doesn’t give you yet full access to...

Time to secure all website traffic using HTTPS/SSL encryption

For many years only eCommerce website owners really made use of HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) encryption for their website. Strongly encouraged by search engines, browser manufacturers and public perception, there is now little reason to delay changing your website.To have a website using an encrypted connection you’ll need a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate and...
