Twitter one-click follow subscription button: api or iframe

 Earlier today Twitter announcedan embeddable follow button to enables users to follow a user in one click. This is in addition to the already well used Tweet button which is already featured on thousands of websites and allows people to Tweet the website they're visiting to their followers.Previously, in order to follow a user you would...

Will HTML 5 effect SEO

Yes, HTML 5 will have an effect on SEO. Any fundamental change to common mark-up will have an effect on SEO and with greater support for HTML 5 specifications by browsers site owners and webmasters should consider utilising HTML features sooner than later....

Life after Bing for Yahoo! Site Explorer

A few hours ago Yahoo! announced that they have completed transitioning back-end functions to Microsoft’s search platform for searches performed in the US and Canada (English), but what is the future hold for Yahoo! Site Explorer? Alternatives to Yahoo! Site Explorer...

AJAX crawlability to be tackled by Google

For years the two major SEO don't dos were building your site purely in Flash or using AJAX. Since major search engines such as Yahoo! and Google have received a sanctioned Flash reader from Adobe, they have both improved their results on reading SWF files. The next major battle is crawling AJAX websites...
