

Is your website mobile friendly?

Starting April 21st 2015 Google will begin rolling out a significant change to their algorithm that uses a website’s mobile friendliness as a much more important signal for search results. The day named Mobilegeddon in the media will see will see search results more tailored to the device the search is being performed on.Google has encouraged...

A brand new Mee

We launched a fabulous new mobile friendly website for Mee and the Band just in time to promote their new album Telling TalesWith a brand spanking new super logo, musical ideas the flavour of the website needed to reflect the character of the artist.The website also acts as the focal point of all communication channels being used...

Healthwatch comes to Wandsworth

Healthwatch Wandsworth replaces Local Involvement Networks (LINks) to become the new independent consumer champion for both health & social care.The new website provides local constituents to have their say in local health and social care issues. It's responsive design allows users to seamlessly view it's content on tablets and mobile devices alike.The website includes various accessibility options including...

Fresh responsive site for Polish Folk dancing group Orleta

Orlęta are a London based Polish folk dancing group celebrating their 40th in 2013. A fresh and vibrant responsive new website was built orking across desktops, tablets and mobile phones.Tying in social media channels and other rich media the bilingual website now portrays the groups character. Modern energy with a folk twist to attract new members...

Bing & Google Disavow Links Tool

2012 was without question the year of Panda/Penguin, Google search algorithm updates. The Disavow link tool is in relation to the Penguin updates first released on April 24th 2012.In brief the Penguin updates look to tackle link spam in general which may include overly aggressive anchor text (internally and externally) and low quality links. What is a Disavow...
